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From the book, "The origins of music", edited by, Nils L. Wallin, Bjiörn Merker, and Steven Brown


  • Wallin, Nils L.; Merker, Bjiörn; and Brown, Steven (2000) "An introduction to Evolutionary Musicology", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 3-24.


  • Arom, Simha. (2000) "Prolegomena to a Biomusicology", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 27-30.


  • Marler, Peter. (2000). "Origins of music and speech: insights from animals", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 31–48.


  • Slater, Peter. (2000). "Origins of music and speech: insights from animals", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 49-63.


  • Whaling, Carol. (2000). "What's behind a song? The neural basis of song learning in birds", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 65-76.


  • Hauser, Marc, D. (2000). "The sound and the fury: Primate vocalization as reflections of emotion and thought", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p.77-102.


  • Geissmann, Thomas (2000). "Gibbon songs and Human Music from an Evolutionary perspective", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 103-123.


  • Ujhelyi, Maria (2000). "Social organization as a factor in the origins of language and music", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 125-134.


  • Payne, Katherine (2000). "The Progressively changing songs of humpback whales: A window on the creative process in a wild animal", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 135-150.


  • Bickerton, Derek (2000). "Can biomusicology learn from language evolution studies?” In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 153-163


  • Molino, Jean (2000). "Toward an evolutionary theory of music and language”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 165-176

  • Jerison, Harry (2000). "Paleoneurology and the biology of music”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 177-196.


  • Falk, Dean(2000). "Hominid brain evolution and the origins of music”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 197-216.


  • Frayer, David W; Nicolay Chris (2000) "Fossil evidence for the origin of speech sounds", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 217-234.


  • Kunej, Drago; Turk, Ivan (2000) "New perspectives on the beginnings of music: Archeological and musicological analysis of a middle Palaeolithic bone Flute", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 235-268.


  • Brown, Steven (2000) "The musilanguage model of music evolution", In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p. 271-300.


  • Richman, Bruce (2000). "How music fixed Nonsense into significant formulas: On rhythm, repetition and meaning”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 301-314.


  • Merker, Björn (2000). "Synchronous chorusing and human origins”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 315-327.


  • Miller, Geoffrey (2000). "Evolution of human music through sexual selection”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 329-360.


  • Todd, Peter (2000). "Simulating the evolution of musical behaviour”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 361-388.


  • Dissannayake, Ellen (2000). "Antecedents of the temporal arts in early mother-infant interaction”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 389-410.


  • Freeman, Walter (2000). "A neurobiological role of music in social bonding”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 411-424.


  • Trehub, Sandra (2000). "Human processing predispositions and musical universals”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 427-448.


  • Imberty, Michael (2000). "The question of innate competencies in musical communication”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 449-462.


  • Netti, Bruno (2000). "An ethnomusicologist contemplates universals in musical sound and musical culture”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 463-472.


  • Mâche, François-Bernard (2000). "The necessity of and problems with a universal musicology”, In N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, S. Brown eds, The Origins of Music, Cambridge (MA), M.I.T. Press, 2000, p 473-479.


Hagen, E. H. and Hammerstein, P. (2009).

"Did Neanderthals and other early humans sing? Seeking the biological roots of music in the territorial advertisements of primates, lions, hyenas, and wolves". Musicae Scientiae, Special issue 2009-2010, 291-320. Retrieved from:


Dunbar, R. (2003). 

"The social brain: Mind, language, and society in evolutionary perspective". ANNUAL REVIEW OF ANTHROPOLOGY Volume: 32  Pages: 163-181. First published online as a Review in Advance on June 4, 2003. Retrieved from:


Juslin P. N., Västfjäll D. (2008).

"Emotional responses to music: the need to consider underlying mechanisms". Behavioral and Brain Sciences,  Volume 31,  Issue 05 , October 2008, p. 559- 575. Cambridge University Press. Retrieved from: 


Lewins, M. (2009).

"Understanding Evolution: Gene Selection vs. Group Selection". HOHONU - A journal of academic writing, Volume 7, p. 114-116. University of Hawai'i at Hilo, Hawai'i Community College. Retrieved from:


Ujhelyi, Maria (1996).

"Is There Any Intermediate Stage Between Animal Communication and Language?" Journal of Theoretical Biology, Volume 180, Issue 1, p. 71–76. Retrieved from:


Fernald, A. (1985).

"Four-month-old infants prefer to listen to motherese". Language learning Lab, University of Oregon. Infant Behavior and Development, Volume 8, 181-195. Retrieved from:


Aubé, W., Peretz,  I., Armony, J.L. (2013).

"The effects of emotion on memory for music and vocalisations". Memory, Volume 21, Issue 8. Retrieved from:


Miller, G., Tybur, J.M., Jordan, B.D. (2007).

"Ovulatory cycle effects on tip earnings by lap dancers: economic evidence for human estrus?" Evolution and Human Behaviour, Volume 28, Issue 6, p. 375-381. Retrieved from:


Rohrmeier, M.A., Koelsch, S. (2012).

"Predictive information processing in music cognition. A critical review". International Journal of Psychophysiology, Volume 83, Issue 2, p. 164-175. Retrieved from:


Platel et al. Platel, H., Price, C., Baron, J.C., Wise, R., Lamnert, J., Frackowiak, R., Lechevalier, B., and Eustache, F. (1997) .

"The structural components of music perception, a functional anatomical study" Brain, a Journal of Neurology, Volume 120, Issue 2,1., p. 229-243. Oxford Press University Retrieved from:


Dellacherie, D., Roy, M., Hugueville, Peretz, I., Samson, S. (2011).

"The effect of musical experience on emotional self-reports and psychophysiological responses to dissonance". Society for Psychophysiological Research, Psychophysiology. Volume 48, Issue 3, p. 337–349.  Retrieved from: http://10.1111/j.1469-8986.2010.01075.x


Dunbar, R. (1998). 

"The social brain hypothesis". Evol. Anthropol. Volume 6, Issue 5, p. 178–190. Retrieved from: 

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Dunbar, R. (2003).

"The social brain: mind, language, and society in evolutionary perspective". Annual Review of Anthropology, Volume 32, P. 163-181. Retrieved from:


Cross, I. & Morley, I. (2008).

"The evolution of music: theories, definitions and the nature of the evidence". In Stephen Malloch & Colwyn Trevarthen (Eds.), Communicative musicality, (pp61-81) Oxford, Oxford University Press.


Morley, I. (2006 electronic edition, Research report).

"The evolutionary origins and archaeology of music".  Darwin College, Camridge University. (2003) Retrieved from:


Fitch, T.W. (2000).

"The phonetic potential of nonhuman vocal tracts: comparative cineradiographic observations of vocalizing animals". Phonetica, International Journal of Phonetic Science. Volume 57, Issue 2-4, pp. 205-218. Retrieved from:


Fitch, T.W. (2006).

"On the biology and evolution of music". Music perception, An Interdisciplinary Journal. Volume 24, Issue 1, pp.85-88. Retrieved from: http://10.1525/mp.2006.24.1.85


Fitch, T.W. (2000).

“The evolution of speech: a comparative review”. Trends in Cognitive Sciences Volume 4 Issue 7, pp. 258-267. (PDF) Retrieved from:


Fitch, W.T. & Reby, D., (2001).

"The descended larynx is not uniquely human". Proceedings of the Royal Society, B, 268(1477): 1669-1675. (PDF) Retrieved from:



Fitch, W. T. (2005).

“The Evolution of Language: A Comparative Perspective,” in Oxford Handbook of Psycholinguistics, edited by G. Gaskell. Oxford University Press, Oxford. pp.193-230



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